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Shehab Albalooshi

I'm a language teacher currently doing a Masters in Theoretical Philosophy. I write long-form essays about my adventures in conceptual land.

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Have You Forgotten Your Self?

Have you forgotten the missiles, the hailstorm, how we all stood outside with buckets and gathered ice cubes that tasted like nothing?

Have you forgotten the missiles, the hailstorm, how we all stood outside with buckets and gathered ice cubes that tasted like nothing?

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Sweet Lady Blue & Shattered Glass in Time

Gasping for air, in crystal blue,I killed myself a thousand times. And, waged a war, eternal flames,And raged and died a thousand more.

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إلهي، لما لا تُحيي لي فرسي شهباً، زرقاءَ سماءً على ليلها تتمرد

لما لا تحيي لي فرسي شهبا زرقاء سماء على ليلها تتمرد

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The Moon Queen

At dusk, I danced on drum-beat hills and drank a wine made from tears of awe.

At dusk, I danced on drum-beat hills and drank a wine made from tears of awe.

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God Sleeps in the Middle of a Homeless Man's Guitar Strings

All that remains, his eulogy, and tales of sorrow-forlorn hope, scattered across Orion’s Belt.

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